Other Policies


America is a land of immigrants. Nearly every single American has ancestors who came here after the Revolutionary War.

Our Founders knew that attracting hardworking, law-abiding, talented immigrants was key to building a strong nation.

Yet, immigration has always been a sensitive and difficult topic. Even great Presidents like Teddy Roosevelt and Ike have struggled with this challenge.

COVID has reduced international travel to a crawl. That means we have a golden opportunity right now to reform our immigration laws, beef up our border security, and address the question of people who are currently living here outside the law.

First of all, we should work to stabilize the governments of the Central American nations from which most refugees are fleeing. In partnership with Mexico, a nation that is far more stable and peaceful than in the past, we can solve many of the problems that are driving illegal human smuggling.

We also can’t continue to kick the can down the road on currently undocumented immigrants. We need to crack down on the businesses who are illegally hiring (or even buying) smuggled refugees to end the incentives to come here outside the law.

Then, having secured our borders and destroyed criminal human smuggling rings, we can run a one-time amnesty to give hidden residents an opportunity to come out of the shadows, prove that they’re law-abiding, and get on a path to legal residency.


Despite the nonsense we hear on television, only a tiny number of very sick people actually want to kill babies. After a massive research effort, our society has discovered the root cause of almost all abortions- unwanted pregnancy.

As conservatives, we have a moral obligation to choose the effective solution rather than waiting for a perfect one that might never come. We already know that prohibition didn’t work in the past and will not work today. We must focus on what will work.

Because our goal is to save the unborn, our focus must be on preventing unwanted pregnancies.

This requires four areas of focus- good education, income fairness, domestic violence prevention, and easy access to health care- including birth control that prevents unwanted conception.

While we Americans all have strong spiritual beliefs around many of these topics, we have to keep our eyes on the prize and do whatever it takes to give women the tools they need to avoid facing the abortion decision in the first place.

Climate Change

On television, the talking heads claim there is a debate about climate change. Neoliberals keep spreading the lie that there’s doubt.

There isn’t.

Since the dawn of our nation, temperatures around the world have gotten warmer. While a bit of that is natural change, most of it is directly caused by humans. We’ve known that since at least the 1980s.

We have a duty to preserve this Creation that’s been gifted to us, but the Neoliberals are ruining it for everyone else by acting like spoiled children. From the economy, to our national security, to the environment, they’re destroying everything they touch.

Keith McCormic will not back down from the special interests because he doesn’t owe anyone any political favors. He will fight to eliminate payments of tax money to dishonorable companies and shift those funds towards local programs to clean up the environment and create more sustainable infrastructure in every community.

Gun Rights

When our Founders enshrined the right of armed self-defense into our Constitution, they weren’t simply acknowledging a human right. In fact, they were making sure that the American People were ready, willing, and able to defeat our enemies’ attempts to overthrow our government.

Today, we have foreign nations and traitor Neoliberals brainwashing troubled youth and giving money to extremist groups like the Klu Klux Klan, Communists, Anarchists, Nazis, and other hate groups who are trying to overthrow our government.

To combat this, we must rebuild the original form of gun control that our Founders intended- the official state militias. This will insure that every American fully understands the responsibility and maturity required to carry a weapon. It will also make sure our United States have the ability to locate and destroy terrorist cells in every part of America.

While this will address the most heinous acts of violence, it will not be enough on its own. Luckily, after decades of difficult research, we now know how to identify the most likely victims of violence before their lives are at risk. We also how to save almost all of them by providing the right kinds of help quickly.

As conservatives, we have the responsibility of using these fact-based solutions to save lives while protecting Americans’ freedoms and our shared responsibility to protect our beloved nation from traitors.

Political Fairness

For hundreds of years, the big political parties have used tricks to win elections unfairly.

Every election, the Democrats and Republicans try scaring law-abiding voters away from the ballot box. They try to keep good candidates off the ballot and out of debates. They even draw district lines so that no one from another party could possibly win.

As conservatives, we have a duty to the Constitution and to you, the American People to make sure every election is fair and clean.

Keith McCormic will lead a national fight to eliminate gerrymandering, voter suppression, and unfair ballot access rules. He will also promote term limits and ranked choice or approval-style voting in every election, so that you can always vote your conscience and still know your vote matters.