National Security Policy

For more than 30 years now, Neoliberals have been weakening our national security. They got us involved in war after war so we’ve have to borrow money from their friends to pay mercenaries to fight for us. They also funded extremist groups like Al-Qaeda using your tax dollars.

Neoliberals in both parties also jacked up the price for things our military needs by wasting spending billions of your dollars on things the Pentagon doesn’t even want- like the F-35.

Now, this President has gone even further, angering our friends in NATO and around the world, ignoring the law, and inviting dictators and domestic terrorists to take advantage of the weakness he created.

Keith McCormic will fight to restore our nation’s strength, both at home and around the world, by rebuilding our strategic alliances, destroying domestic terrorists, and making sure the law is applied fairly to everyone.

Strengthen & Expand NATO

America’s standing in the world is in bad shape thanks to our current President and fifty years of Neoliberal rule. This has encouraged China and Russia to start throwing their weight around, even invading and stealing territory from our friends.

It has also encouraged rogue nations like North Korea and Iran to think they can get away with murder.

Keith McCormic will rebuild our alliances with friendly, peace-loving nations like those in NATO. He will encourage NATO to welcome in other free nations and promote strategic cooperation in other parts of the world to keep the peace and protect human rights.

Crack Down on Terror Groups

Since the earliest days of our country, anti-American elitists have promoted terrorism as a way to keep the American People divided.

As much as the media would like to paint the current troubles as something new, these insurgencies have been a threat to America for a long, long time.

Ten years ago, the FBI announced that police departments and military units across the country were being infiltrated by extremists. This infiltration had been going on for decades before the FBI reported on the problem.

Islamic jihadists, Nazis, Communists, Anarchists, the Ku Klux Klan, and many more have been spreading their poisonous hate and not one President since Eisenhower has had the courage to face them all.

Our current President even has the indecency to encourage some of them openly!

Keith McCormic will end the White House’s weak record on domestic terrorism and bring the full might of Federal law enforcement and even the military to bear against anyone making war on the American People.

Enforce Laws Fairly

The foundation of any country is the People’s belief in the legal system. If laws treat people differently, distrust grows and it tears a nation apart.

Today, we have rich criminals literally getting away with murder while innocent victims are going to jail for defending themselves. We have parts of the country that unfairly arrest or even kill people because of what they look like. We have government agencies stealing money from hardworking Americans without a fair trial.

This unfairness is tearing up the bedrock of America.

Keith McCormic will fight to restore justice to our justice system, especially in these areas:

End Civil Forfeiture

Every year, thousands and thousands of innocent Americans have money and property stolen from them by corrupt officials using the treasonous practice of “Civil Forfeiture”.

Under the Constitution, civil forfeiture only legitimately applies in cases where the property is taken from someone the United States is at war with. That so many law enforcement agencies believe they are at war with you, the American People, is deeply troubling.

Keith McCormic will once and for all end this horrifying practice. His administration will require criminal convictions for all seizures of money and lawful property inside United States territory.

Clean Up Corrupt Departments

While most police officers are trying very hard to protect and serve in a challenging world, we know beyond the shadow of a doubt that there are thousands and thousands of crooked or even terrorist officers on the streets.

The FBI has been warning us of this problem for a long time, but no President in decades has seriously worked to solve the problem.

Keith McCormic’s administration will use existing information to identify local, state, and federal units that have high rates of unfair practices, corruption, and illegal violence. These units will be completely rebuilt around honest officers who care about justice and the rule of law.

Honorable officers have been fighting the good fight for years and they need our help to keep themselves and our communities safe against crooks and domestic terrorists.

We also need to criminalize covering up horrible acts by officers and require independent investigations in all cases. The American People deserve to know that EVERY cop is a good cop.

End For-Profit Prisons

Neoliberals created for-profit prisons as just another way to steal money from you, the American taxpayer. Their Dominionist allies saw these prisons as a way to get away with slavery by locking up Americans on made-up charges.

The Federal government should use its Constitutional Eminent Domain authority to purchase these prisons and also ban the use of taxpayer money to pay for locking people up in for-profit jails.

Regulate Drugs Fairly

Our nation tried Prohibition in the 1920s. Not only did it not work, it caused crime rates to go through the roof and wasted a ton of taxpayer money.

In the 1970s, Neoliberals and their Dominionist allies decided to use Prohibition again, this time against other kinds of drugs.

The result was the same.

As conservatives, we have a moral obligation to solve problems by what works, rather than doing what feels good emotionally.

The facts are in and it is time for the United States to regulate drugs in much the same way we control alcohol and cigarettes. After all, many of these drugs were perfectly legal in Teddy Roosevelt’s time. Some states have already started doing this for marijuana.

The Federal government should take the lessons from these experiments and establish consistent rules for drugs used for non-medical purposes. This will earn our country and states a lot of tax revenue, only a tiny amount of which will be needed to deal with any public health problems that result.

The other tax revenue can go to important, but struggling programs like our schools, rebuilding our roads and bridges, and paying down our nation’s massive debt.

Punish Criminal Enterprises

The worst crimes, the ones that hurt the most people and cost the most money in damages, are almost always committed by large organizations. Some of these are secret criminal rings, but many operate inside normal businesses.

From money laundering and fraud to extortion and even child sex trafficking, many of the world’s worst evils are committed by people dressed in business suits.

Only the Federal government has the resources and perspective to fight these gigantic underworld threats.

But Neoliberals in both parties have gutted our nation’s ability to deal effectively with so-called “white collar” crime.

Keith McCormic’s administration will bring the full force of the law down upon these crooks. Their wealth and political connections will not protect them from the sword of Justice.