Economic Policy

For more than 50 years, Neoliberals in both parties have been destroying the American Dream to make their friends richer. Now, as our economy is coming apart at the seams, we need a President who will stand up to Wall Street elitists and do what’s right for you and the American People.

Prosperity Instead of Debt

Every dollar added to our economy is created as debt- money owed to some big bank or wealthy investor. That means that for your family to prosper, someone else has to get further away from prosperity.

Today, young adults have a lot more debt than their parents and grandparents did at their age. Usually, this debt comes from expensive colleges and trade schools, not from consumer spending. While it was possible to work your way through school in the 1950s, 60s, and 70s, by the 1980s and 90s, it was getting very difficult.

Today, it’s nearly impossible for a young person to work towards a better life because Neoliberals made your retirement depend on their debt.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

We now have the detailed economic information to make reliable decisions about how much money our economy needs each year to expand strongly.

Keith McCormic will fight to transfer the responsibility for creating new money from risky, for-profit banks to an independent team of experts.

Then, every three months, the new money needed to grow our economy would be paid directly to every single American as a reward for your own hard work and that of your ancestors.

By paying this dividend to you, the American People, we insure that new money goes where it will make the most difference in strengthening our economy and improving life for you and your family.

Competition Instead of Monopolies

For more than 100 years, Americans have known that giant corporations are getting away with criminally crushing small businesses.

Teddy Roosevelt had the courage to battle these illegal “trusts” and cut them down to size.

The laws already exist to punish giant companies who try to turn Capitalism into their own private Corporate Communism.

Keith McCormic will be a President who has the strength to stand up to Wall Street and enforce those laws for the good of the American People and our economy.

Tax Fairness

When Adam Smith created Capitalism in 1776, he understood that the wealthiest people in a country receive the most benefits. They also have the most to lose if their country falls apart. That’s why in a fair Capitalist economy, the rich pay the most taxes.

During the most prosperous years in American history, Dwight Eisenhower presided over a tax code that was much more fair than it is today.

Income taxes were easier to understand and the wealthiest Americans paid the highest amount of taxes.

Today, many of the wealthiest Americans pay no taxes at all because of the loopholes created by Neoliberals in both parties.

Keith McCormic will lead the fight to restore the simple, fair income tax laws we had under Ike.

Income Fairness

In 1980, the average house cost about 3 ½ years of an average family’s income. Today, it’s almost 5 ½ years- and many houses built today are smaller and with smaller yards!

Neoliberals distracted us with “Trickle Down Economics”, promising that making the wealthy richer would make us all more prosperous. We now have 50 years of absolute proof that Trickle Down doesn’t.

It was all a lie.

Keith McCormic will lead the battle to bring income fairness, starting with these three areas:

Punish Welfare-Abusing Corporations

Giant companies are paying hardworking Americans starvation wages and then forcing you, the taxpayer, to support their employees with food stamps and other government assistance.

Large companies whose employees are forced to rely on handouts should be billed (and heavily punished) for the millions and millions of dollars they’re unfairly stealing from their workers- and from you!

Criminalize Wage Theft

While any business can make the occasional error on someone’s paycheck, some employers make it a habit to pay people less than they’re owed.

By some estimates, intentional wage theft costs Americans more money every year than all forms of street crime, combined. More than car theft, burglary, pickpocketing, mugging- all of it.

Wage theft must become a serious felony and businesses that commit that crime should be forced to pay back every penny they owe.

Report Real Inflation Again

Ever since the late 1970s, Neoliberals in both parties have been adjusting the way our government calculates the official Consumer Price Index (CPI) numbers.

This is the most important measure of inflation- how much less valuable your money gets over time.

When they started tinkering, inflation was around 10% per year. Suddenly, the official numbers dropped to around 2% or 3% and they’ve mostly stayed there ever since.

How did they do it?

For one thing, owning your own home is no longer counted as part of your cost of living. Renting is counted- not owning. They cut the American Dream right out of the inflation numbers!

They also cut groceries, heating oil, gasoline, and other important expenses out of the “Core CPI” because they change very often.

We must return to the same standard used back before the Neoliberals started fudging the numbers. By making sure Americans know exactly how much the value of money is changing, workers will be better able to negotiate for fair raises.

Reward Responsible Businesses

Yes, we have huge problems with corporations who refuse to compete fairly, pay their workers what they’re owed, or take responsibility for their actions.

But there are thousands and thousands of business owners who work hard to do right by their customers, employees, communities, and the world.

Simplifying the tax code and other regulations, especially for small businesses, will make it easier for honest companies to keep doing the right thing.

Keith will work to reform government procurement rules so that contracts don’t only go to the cheapest garbage or to needlessly expensive quality supplies. The legendary $500 hammer is the result of ancient, broken bureaucracy that rewards crooked companies who have the patience to game the system instead of honest companies that are trying to do good work.

He will also direct his administration to help small businesses compete for those government contracts by setting up easy-to-use telephone and web sites that ensure local companies get their fair share of opportunity.